The office of Nancy J. Whaley, Standing Chapter 13 Trustee, is committed to excellence by creating the highest level of trust and service to debtors, creditors, attorneys and the Court.
This shall be accomplished by administering Chapter 13 cases at the direction of the Court and the United States Trustee in a manner that fulfills the fiduciary obligations of the Trust and by providing professional service to all parties. We fulfill this obligation by administering each case accurately and in accordance with the law.
This office is responsible for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy cases assigned to Judge James R. Sacca and Judge Jeffery W. Cavender.
341 Meeting Calendars:
Atlanta: 341 Meetings – March 26, 2025
Gainesville: 341 Meetings – March 28, 2025
Click Here for 341 Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 229 366 0049
Passcode: 6501966813
Office Hours
Telephone hours are Monday – Friday from 9:30 am until 3:00 pm and we are closed for lunch from Noon to 1:00 pm. We are closed for all Federal holidays. Our office is not open for visitors. There is a drop box for payments, but we encourage you to use EPay or TFS to make online payments as downtown parking is expensive, and our office building has security that requires registration before entering. Any document that we may provide to you, can be done through the mail or email. If you have a question, you may email us at Please allow 48 hours for a response.
All Court proceedings are being held TELEPHONICALLY. Visit the Court’s website for updated information: All 341 Meeting of Creditors are being held TELEPHONICALLY.
Prepare for your 341 Meeting of Creditors
USTP Instructions for Joining a Zoom 341(a) Meeting of Creditors